Black Prestige Auto Services Auto Services

Services We Offer

Car Rental

Economic Rental

Looking for the best value? Our Economic Rental has you covered! Save money without compromising style or comfort.

Luxury Rental

Looking for a premium driving experience? We offer the finest luxury cars to make your next trip an unforgettable one.

Car Trackers

Keep your ride secure with our advanced GPS tracking system. Available for purchase and installation today.

Installation Services

Need help installing your new car accessories? Our expert technicians are here to assist you every step of the way.

Black Prestige Auto-Services

We have vehicles and trackers to match your occasions and budgets.

Economic Rental

ZMW 750 per day
  • Quality Economic Car
  • 24 Hour Full Access
  • Insurance
  • Pick up and Drop off

Luxury Rental

ZMW 1000 per day
  • Quality Economic Car
  • 24 Hour Full Access
  • Insurance
  • Pick up and Drop off

Car Trackers

ZMW 2500
  • Quality Economic Car
  • 24 Hour Full Access
  • Insurance
  • Pick up and Drop off


ZMW 1500
  • Quality Economic Car
  • 24 Hour Full Access
  • Insurance
  • Pick up and Drop off

Amazing Car Selection

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